Shockwave Therapy
(Heel Pain Treatment)
Extracorporeal Radial Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy is a safe, effective, common, and non-surgical technology utilizing high-energy, short wavelength sound waves, called shockwaves, to treat tendons, bone and periosteum (the pain sensitive membrane on bone).
Ideal for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinosis. Shockwave Therapy is a series of high-energy percussions to the affected area. The shockwave is a physical sound wave “shock,” not an electric one. Healing effects include bone and tendon regeneration, increased blood vessel growth and a chemically induced decrease in pain and sensitivity of the pain receptors. Research proves this modality is extremely effective for most near to bone tendonitis and more so than most of the alternatives. i.e.
- Plantar Fasciitis - Calcific Tendinopathies - Achilles Tendonopathy - Non Healing Ulcers - Jumpers Knee - Non Unions - Stress Fractures - Hallux Rigidus - Scar Tissue Treatment - Trigger Point Therapy Clinically Shown to: - Eliminate pain - Facilitate healing - Improve local microcirculation, leading to improved tissue metabolism - Reduce local muscle tension - Help dissolve calcific fibroblasts |